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Category: News


Reality, Humanity & AI

Nafees Malik surveys our quest for truth, and asks if AI can help us discover more. In 1637, René Descartes, the founder of modern philosophy, famously declared Cogito, ergo sum, or “I

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Why Do We Obey Rules?

Rule No. 42, the King says, is that all persons more than a mile high must leave the court. Alice counters that she isn’t a mile high. And, anyway, it

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What Makes a Book great?

We commonly associate the Victorian era with religious revivalism, yet many underwent a crisis of faith during this period. The poet and critic Matthew Arnold (1822-88) realised that established religion

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Can We Achieve World Peace?

To know how to achieve world peace, we first have to define it. When we talk about peace, we’re envisioning more than just the absence of conflict. It’s about creating

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The 5 stages of Design Thinking

We tend to refer to unique thoughts as “outside of the box” thinking. It’s a common idiom that gets tossed around without much forethought, from appearing in job interviews to

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